Hi, I have post type called dialogue circles and I would like to create a booking form that will reference the title of the dialogue circles that user books for.
So to be clear I don't want to create a form to edit a dialogue circle but just form where they can add their name a time and then when the form is submitted it needs to include in the submission the name of the dialogue circles that they have booked for.
I have attached an images and you can follow this link to see the dialogue circles. hidden link
Is there any documentation that you are following?
Is there a similar example that we can see?
What is the link to your site?
Hello, it depends on how you want to store a "Booking" in your site. Is a Booking a custom post type in a parent-child relationship with the Dialogue Circle post type? Or is a Booking one row of an RFG in the Dialogue Circle post type? Or is a booking some other 3rd-party plugin concept?
If it's a child post type in a relationship with the parent Dialogue Circle post type, then you would create a new post Form and predefine the parent Dialogue Circle by setting the "value" attribute in the parent field. Then you can use CSS to hide that field in the Form editor, in expert mode.
Which case sounds most like what you expect?
Hi, Cristian, I hope you are well today. I think it will have a parent-child relationship. I have one question, do I need to create a custom post for the Dialogue Circle post form submissions? To answer your question the Dialogue Circles are developed with Toolset and the booking form. I think it is more simple this way.
I have one question, do I need to create a custom post for the Dialogue Circle post form submissions?
This is one option, but it is not the only option.
If you do not want to save Booking information anywhere on the site, there is a simpler option. You can use an Edit Dialogue Circle Post Form and delete the visible input fields from the Form editor (expert mode). You can configure it to send a notification with the booking information to some User, but not modify the original post in any way. This option is very simple but there is no record of bookings in the database. The only history of that booking is in emails.
Another option is to create a Repeatable Field Group inside the Dialogue Circle post type. Then use Forms to allow your site visitors to create one row in this Repeatable Field Group. When you use this setup, it does not create a custom post type in the main WordPress Menu, it only adds Repeatable Field Groups inside the Dialogue Circle post type. Each of these options has different uses, and offers different features. One critical difference is RFGs can only be associated with one post. If you use a custom post type instead of an RFG, that post can be connected to more than one other post type.
Repeatable Field Groups are a fairly new feature in Toolset. You can find more information about Repeatable Field Groups here: