I'm building a custom post archive on this Divi website, but the excerpt shows the shortcodes Divi uses for their layout instead of the post content. See hidden link.
I think that is unavoidable when automatically generating the excerpts.
Divi uses shortcodes in the post content for all of its layout (rows, columns etc.) and modules.
If no manual excerpt is available and an excerpt is automatically generated to a limited length (of characters, or words), the likelihood is that some Divi shortcodes will be truncated and incomplete. Complete shortcodes would be rendered before the excerpt is output, but the truncated Divi shortcodes cannot be rendered, they are broken, and so they are displayed as if they are part of the normal text.
And because the truncation could happen anywhere within a Divi shortcode, it is not possible to provide some code workaround.
The only solution is to provide manual entries for the excerpts when editing the original posts.
Ok, I was hoping there was a block which supported some kind of raw output which would just show the text, but manual excerpts is a good workaround so thanks for that.