I have spotted a possible error in one of the automated Toolset support forum emails. It reads WPML rather than Toolset.
Is there an email address that I can forward this to? Just so someone can check it's not an error.
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Spanish (Español )
Europe/London (GMT+00:00)
Hi Ben
You could forward it to me and I will handle it.
There was a security breach of the WPML site at the weekend whereby the hacker sent out false emails from WPML (https://wpml.org/2019/01/wpml-org-site-back-to-normal-after-an-attack-during-the-weekend/ ).
I don't expect any spill-over effects on Toolset, but the server team were very busy over the weekend dealing with the issue. If you have an email that looks odd, please send it to me.
Thanks for the reply Nigel.
I have forwarded the email in question to yourself as requested.
This security breach in no way affected any Toolset accounts or data did it?
English (English )
Spanish (Español )
Europe/London (GMT+00:00)
Thanks Ben, I received the email and forwarded it to the Systems team, who say it appears to be a simple error with the mail template.
No, there were no effects on toolset.com from the problems in WPML at the weekend, they are isolated systems.
Thank you for your help with this Nigel.