Display information in the map marker content. User clicks, some info pops up.
Is there any documentation that you are following?
I have bee scouring tickets, ChatGPT, and youtube. Unfortunately not sure what I am missing. (Though I am getting better at designing with Toolset.
Is there a similar example that we can see? I can't figure out how I made this work the page is extremely complex (all short codes I can't afford to break the site as it is live. I would like something similar when clicking on my map marker on a new site I am working on.
Example of what I want: hidden link
i also created the following example, but i also can't review it as it is diplaying a very old version of toolset (while I have a license for it, it just won't connect!) hidden link
What is the link to your site?
hidden link
Nothing happens when I click on the map markers...
I have also tried using custom html block and tried using fields and text block. IN the popup content settings of the map. if I put in a static value the map shows a pop up. I tried the short code in there but that didn't work either.
Thank you for your help in advance.
Note this site is in development and behind a maintenance wall. only pages you can see are:
Also, if you want to use the shortcode way - then you will have to remove the existing marker from the map block and then you should try to add the following to "Fields and Text" block:
Thank you. It would be nice if the video covered that. I also couldn't find anything in toolset when searching pop-up, but perhaps I searched for popup, etc.
I assumed the rest of the page only covered what was in video. Once I continued to read more on the page, I was able to figure out. I'm so happy. Can't thank you enough! Very helpful.