I am trying to: update my toolset plugins manually and via download
Link to a page where the issue can be seen:
hidden link
I expected to see:
updated plugins
Instead, I got:
installing plugin from upload file: cred-frontend-editor 2.6.zip
destination folder already exists nas/content/live/stolenisnstrume/wp-content/plugins/cred-frontend-editor
plugin installation failed
return to plugin installer
When I click on the link on the plugin page ("You must have a valid subscription in order to get upgrades or support for this plugin. Purchase a subscription or enter an existing site key")
I go to this screen: hidden link
which has the message:
"Toolset is registered on this site. Your Lifetime account gives you updates for life."
I don't see anywhere to enter the site key
I had to deactivate the toolset views plugin and delete the toolset forms plugin to create a password for a new user for you to login.
The main issue here is that you are running Types version 2.
In order to automatically update your other Toolset plugins you will need to first manually update the Types plugin by downloading it from the link below. https://toolset.com/account/downloads/
Once you have updated Types you should now be able to update the other Toolset plugins without any issues.