I've tried uploading an image but your system won't allow it. So here's the markup from inspector.
<input type="text" id="cred_form_551_1-textfield-3-1549021803" name="wpcf-classified-contact-phone" value="" class="form-control wpt-form-textfield form-textfield textfield js-wpt-validate" output="bootstrap" preset_value="" urlparam="" value_escape="" make_readonly="" placeholder="" select_text="" data-wpt-validate="{"required":{"args":{"1":true},"message":"This field is required."}}" data-wpt-field-title="Classified Contact Phone" data-parsley-required="true" data-parsley-required-message="This field is required." data-wpt-type="textfield" data-wpt-id="cred_form_551_1_cred_form_551_1-textfield-3-1549021803" data-wpt-name="wpcf-classified-contact-phone">
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Europe/London (GMT+00:00)
Sorry Gavin,
but "Phone field for Toolset Forms is not" what?
If you mean the input type is text not phone, that is known and we have an internal ticket about updating that, but it is not being actively worked on.
If you mean something else, please clarify.
Hi Nigel - I had put <input type="tel"> in the subject field, which obviously got lost 🙂
Yes, it's the 'tel' type that's missing. Thanks. Gavin.
English (English )
Spanish (Español )
Europe/London (GMT+00:00)
Hi Gavin
OK, that's what I expected. Although there is an internal ticket related to this (and other field types, such as email and number) there has been no work done to implement it, and there is none scheduled.
I would encourage you to complete the form at https://toolset.com/home/contact-us/suggest-a-new-feature-for-toolset/ , which goes direct to the product manager, who determines development priorities based upon the requests from clients.
In the meantime you would need to manually update the input type from text using a little JS, e.g.
( function( $ ) {
$( document ).ready( function(){
})( jQuery );