I am migrating a Drupal site to WordPress and one page has a neat fluid filter I am trying to replicate: hidden link
The search filter buttons correspond to specific values in a custom taxonomy. However, not all values are chosen for searching on, only some specific ones. (ie. the example above uses 'ALL' and then 5 other choices from 'Articles' to 'Videos' but actually there are many more minor values that the taxonomy has which are not chosen to be in the search filter)
In summary, I am trying to build a customized search filter using VIEWS which allows specific taxonomy values to be clicked on . I've tried the 'multiple selection' filter but of course it offers all possible values.
many thanks
Hello. Thank you for contacting the Toolset support.
Well - the thing is that if you try to add taxonomy filter with views there is no option to select specific taxonomy terms to offer as filter. This needs some customization where you should try to remove the unwanted filter terms using custom JS/jQuery code.