I have a view with post-meta filtering. (and post-relationship filters).
It is a multi select.
Selecting multiple values returns no posts found. (there are posts ...)
The filter
[wpv-filter-start hide="false"]
[wpv-control-post-relationship ancestors="market>date" url_param="wpv-relationship-filter"]
<div class="form-group">
<label>[wpml-string context="wpv-views"]Marknader[/wpml-string]</label>
[wpv-control-post-ancestor type="select" default_label="Välj Marknad" ancestor_type="market"]
</div><div class="form-group">
<label>[wpml-string context="wpv-views"]Dagar[/wpml-string]</label>
[wpv-control-post-ancestor type="select" default_label="Välj Datum" ancestor_type="date"]
<div class="form-group">
<label>[wpml-string context="wpv-views"]Bokning status[/wpml-string]</label>
[wpv-control-postmeta values=",draft,wait,approve,move,accept,refuse,deny,cancel,invoice,paid" display_values="Alla,Påbörjade,Obehandlade,Godkända,Platsbyte,Tackat ja,Tackat nej,Nekade,Cancel,Fakturerade,Betalda" field="wpcf-booking-status" type="multi-select" source="custom" format="%%COUNT%% | %%NAME%%" url_param="wpv-wpcf-booking-status"]
<div class="form-group">
[wpv-filter-search-box output="bootstrap"]
I see the issue, and it is a logical issue, even thou, it might not seem like it.
When you search by things with a MultiSelect, it works if the data comes from a similar field.
If it comes from a Single Instance field like a number or single line, it fails.
It is a logical issue because it will try to fetch all the options against one post/field if the data comes from a single field.
This is incorrect, as it shows when it works fine as long the data source is a multiple-select field as well (or similar to it).
I escalated this for further analysis.
Thank you.
The workaround is:
1. Head to your View
2. Find the Query Filter settings, edit the filter for your Field which you let users search thru with a Multiple Select Field.
3. Edit the Settings so it says:
Select items with field:
YourField is a string in URL_PARAM(wpv-wpcf-your_field)
==> Note we are comparing by IN, not "equal to" with this approach, and that solves the technical issue.
We will work on this as a permanent solution but for now, this is the suggested approach.
Thank you!