Tell us what you are trying to do?
For this type of page that shows a hotels belonging to a holiday type (in this case beach holidays) hidden link
There are 16 possible hotels
At the moment there are 9 showing with a further 6 that should be on page 2.
When I add pagination controls in the view, the controls are in weird places ie within the list rather than at the bottom.
Is there any documentation that you are following?
Is there a similar example that we can see?
What is the link to your site? hidden link
Should I be adding the Pagination Controls in the Search and Pagination section or the loop editor or both?
Hi, Shane is currently on public holiday so I would like to continue assisting you. You can add pagination in either location or both locations, actually. However in your case, the problem was not where the shortcode was added, it was a CSS / layout issue in the output produced by the Fusion builder that caused the links to appear jumbled up in the results sometimes, even though the markup was below the View. I edited this View and added a wrapper class around the navigation elements, set to style="clear:both;". This should push the links down below the cards all the time. Let me know if it's working as expected.