I read through the previous posts, installed a copy of your site locally, and was able to see the issue with guests having access to pages they should not.
The issue is with BuddyPress. The pages you want to hide but cannot are special BuddyPress pages, and BuddyPress has its own handling of these which is bypassing the controls Access would typically assert.
I tried with a non-BuddyPress page and it worked fine.
We don't have any special integrations with BuddyPress so there are no settings I can point you towards to fix this.
It's been a few years since I last used BuddyPress, I don't recall if there is anything within BuddyPress itself to control access to BuddyPress-specific pages, but I think that's the angle you need to approach this from.
Thank you for your reply. How come the gallery pages are also still showing?
hidden link
Do you know any access plugins that I can install, that won't conflict with Toolset? That might be another way to approach it (also researching Buddypress settings, but if I can't solve it that way)...
The link you shared doesn't work, I'm not sure what you were intending to show me, but on my local install of your site the Access protection for the Gallery page works, whether or not you have BuddyPress activated.
Visiting that page as a guest shows the Members Only content.
I'm not aware of other plugins that offer similar functionality to Access that might work with BuddyPress, I'm afraid.
Hi, Nigel is out so I'll be glad to help. It looks like there are two issues here:
1. The featured image is displayed to guest Users on a Portfolio single post, but it is not part of the Content Template chosen to be displayed in Access Control settings for this post type. Part of the problem here is that the Ocean Portfolio plugin inserts the featured image outside of the_content(), which is the main content area that can be controlled by a Content Template. Since it's outside the main content area, Access does not have the ability to restrict its display.
2. The Ocean Portfolio is displayed to guest Users, but the custom page containing the Portfolio is part of a post group that should not be accessible to guest Users.
I see one immediate solution is to disable the error Content Template shown to Guests without access, and show the default error instead. This will prevent restricted content from being displayed while we work towards better solutions. I will reach out to my 2nd tier support team to see if there are better approaches for dealing with this, and let you know what I find out.
Hi, we are reviewing some older tickets and took another look at this one. Unfortunately an integrated solution here will require a considerable amount of collaboration with Ocean WP. Since their portfolio template does not use a function like the_content() to render the page, Toolset doesn't really have a place to hook into. Modifying their portfolio structure to work with the_content will be a significant undertaking for their developers, and I suspect they will consider it a feature request. If you'd like to see more integration between Ocean Portfolios and Toolset, we suggest reaching out to the Ocean team to submit your request, as well as submitting your request here for Toolset: http://toolset.com/home/contact-us/suggest-a-new-feature-for-toolset
Until that new feature is implemented, the best workaround is to disable the error template shown to Guests in Access, and show the default error instead.