Essentially what you want to do is be able to sort this search view by a taxonomy term correct? Is this something you want to be done on the frontend ? or is a static filter enough to get this working.
The reason is because you can only order a view currently by the custom fields.
I have two post types
STRUTTURE (Hotels) with Costum Field "Region" and "Province" already filled out
I used Relationships One-to-many: "A STRUCTURE Structure (Hotel) >> Offers Structures (HOTEL OFFER)
I need to order the search result based on "Region" and "Province" (even static filter)
This data can be extrapolate from:
Post Types: “Città" “Provincia" e “Regione” (no Costum Fields)
or from STRUTTURE (HOTEL) the "Region" and "Province" costum fields
1. Can I use the Costum Field "Region" and "Province" inserted in STRUCTURES (Hotel) to order STRUCTURES OFFERS (HOTEL OFFER)?
Or I must create and insert the costum fields "Region" and “Province" to Post Type STRUCTURE OFFERS (HOTEL OFFER)
2. If create now a Relationship "Many-to-many” with Relationship fields, could be used to establish a relationship with the custom fields "Region" and “Province”
3. Question was the structure of the site better created so that the OFFERS (HOTEL OFFER) were inserted as categories or as a taxonomy of the STRUCTURES (Hotel)?
ps. bad english s it is not clear i try again to ask better translation from a friend
Thanks / Grazie / Ευχαριστω
1) Can I use the Costum Field "Region" and "Province" inserted in STRUCTURES (Hotel) to order STRUCTURES OFFERS (HOTEL OFFER)?
Currently when i checked on the site I saw that Region and Province were declared as taxonomies. As it is now you wouldn't be able to sort it by the Region or Province. You will need to redeclare them as custom fields.
2) If create now a Relationship "Many-to-many” with Relationship fields, could be used to establish a relationship with the custom fields "Region" and “Province”
I'm not sure what you mean by this. However i think you're asking if you created the custom field in Relationship, if you're able to sort the view using this
3) Question was the structure of the site better created so that the OFFERS (HOTEL OFFER) were inserted as categories or as a taxonomy of the STRUCTURES (Hotel)?
It really depends on what you want to achieve with the Hotel offers and Structures, are they just being used to tag the "Structure Offers" or are you going to create actual posts for each. So unless knowing what you want to achieve with this then I can't give an accurate answer.