We have a one-to-many relationship between custom post types:
Pubblicazioni [0 .. 1] << Edizioni [*]
All the existing relationships of this type were previously obtained thanks to an importing process, but now we can't make connections between existing posts.
Inside a post of type Pubblicazioni, we can correctly use "Add new Edizione", but when using "Connect existing Edizioni", the input field says "No results found" for titles of published Edizioni which are exact and existing.
(Both "Add new" and "Connect existing" are greyed out in a post of type Edizioni, but we suppose that's expected for this kind of relationship?)
Could you please tell me how you imported the posts - have you updated Toolset Types plugin and updated to new post-relationship or you imported he posts using CSV file?
I try to check by creating a brand new post for post type "Edizioni" and when I try to connect this brand new post using post-relationship box having button "Connect existing Edizioni" - the newly created post is available to connect.
So - it looks like there is some issue with the import process. Please update me on how you import the posts.
Additionally, I need duplicator package of your site so that I can pass it to our next level support for further debugging.
I'm not sure as now, if you export the data from where it can take relationship reference. So, I suggest you should first use (old) original data which has relationship reference and then try to follow above doc.
We need help to permanently solve this problem ...
Before importing again, we need a way to export current data,
that was edited many times (so we can't import from original source now).
Please help us to do that, at least for data.
Relationships -maybe- can be imported later or re-created with SQL query ?
Well - Toolset does not offer any Toolset that can help you to export your data/content.
I think all you should do it use either WordPress standard Export functionality OR use any third-party plugin that will help you to export your data/content.
More info:
=> hidden link
Relationships -maybe- can be imported later or re-created with SQL query ?
==> It may be but it needs custom programming that is beyond the scope of our support policy.
So before you proceed my suggestion is to have:
*** Please make a FULL BACKUP of your database and website.***
I'm sorry but we were a bit misguided about this issue.
After more extensive talk with our client, we realized that the reason why existing posts were not "connectable" is that they were *ALL* already connected in the one-to-many relationship and thus your plugin - as expected - does not show 'em... They become visible when such a post is disconnected, or when you create a new one (which by definition is not yet connected).
As such, we can close this issue and we thank you very much for your support.