I am trying to: Create a front end for a Invoice custom posttype. So user can log in and from the front end create an invoice. I am linking another post type to reference different cities. In the admin panel i can link to the city post type perfectly but when i create a form the front end is stuck at endless loop of serching.
Link to a page where the issue can be seen:
I can view the cities in the wordpress admin panel but not able to view the posts in the front end.
That will create a debug.log file in your /wp-content/ directory which you can examine in any text editor. After visiting the form on the front-end inspect the log. If you don't find the debug.log file it means it didn't generate any warnings or errors.
One more thing. Could you please try disabling the non-Toolset plugins and switching theme to twentyseventeen then trying again? If the issue disappears then it should be possible to determine the source of any conflict by a process of elimination.
My issue is resolved now. Thank you!
The issue was that i had a slim version of Jquery which was conflicting with the Jquery of searching function. I removed the reference to slim version and added full version of jquery in function.php and everything worked.