Given that this is done in a view, the view will need to be added to a page. It is not possible to use the view only to create and xml only page where just the xml is being displayed on the page without any other formatting from the theme.
Perhaps i'm not 100% clear on this issue but i'm assuming that you want a dedicated xml page without any of the theme's html markup.
It works, but now I need to integrate inside it a loop of my custom post type. I'd like to populate it with my View, but I don't know if it is possible.
Hey, I'm creating by myself the PHP loop, it seems it works fine. The only issue is that I'd need to display the post-content in all the languages in the same xml, something like this:
Happy to see that you're making some progress, if you are using WPML to do the translations then you should be looking at this function below in order to get the information from the other translated languages.
Please let me know if this helps. Also it should be noted that my WPML knowledge is quite limited so I wouldn't be able to provide much assistance on translation queries.