There is a custom post type on site - "Work-item"
I have 2 forms:
FORM1. Add "Work-item" by user
FORM2. Edit some custom fields in published "Work-item". That form has 2 notification with some Additional field conditions.
All it works perfect, but if you add post with FORM1 >> edit some fields with FORM2 >> notification about edit some fileds come as required >> i'm delete post in admin section >> notification about edit some fields come again with trashed link (But i'm not used FORM2 for delete post)
One of the developers is doing a lot of work at the moment on fixing notifications issues, but they couldn't reproduce this.
I set up a new test and tried again, and can no longer reproduce it, either.
It seems that it must have been fixed as a byproduct of some other changes (I realize this is an old ticket, and there have been many releases in the meantime).
You can hopefully confirm the same if you are using current plugin versions.