Just click on the magnifying glass that is at the top of the page in the primary menu and search for "wedding" or "rink". We know that both of those terms were pulling results at one time. They weren't pulling all the right results, but they were at least coming up with some results.
And of course, it's impossible to troubleshoot the fact that it's not pulling custom post types AND wp posts until we get it working halfway.
In case you didn't completely read the previous tickets... it might help you to know that if you deactivate Toolset Layouts the search button works. See screen cap.
Okay, I have turned off all the plugins again. It feels like we are going around in circles though... I know it should not be calling the post type. These issues and test have been discussed in my previous support tickets.
I wanted a similar link in the menu that would utilize Toolset's search and a custom Layout for the results. But since that apparently can't be figured out, we are stuck trying to determine why the default search breaks whenever I activate Toolset Layouts. Unless you have a better idea.
This what we are trying to achieve:
1) a search button/field in the menu (like many many other websites)
2) query results from custom post types AND wp posts AND pages
3) ability to style the results page
If you're talking about the Toolset Layout for the toolset search results. I'm really not sure. We created that some time back for early tests, but didn't focus on it until a couple weeks ago. I was only starting to work on the layout styling and trying to decide how I could incorporate it in the menu when we started having all these var_dump issues and other Toolset problems. So we've been dealing with that stuff ever since.
So actually this isn't a layouts issue because of the Locations being added.
It seems this is being added by the theme. Would it be possible to contact the theme support and ask them how to remove the location parameter from the url ?
The general search should search All post types but I see that its only searching the locations cpt.
We have removed the location parameter from the url.
Now, if I leave Relevannsi deactivated we are only getting Toolset Custom Post Types (Locations) in the results. We are missing Pages and WP Posts. hidden link
If I activate Relevannsi we get the Pages and WP Posts, but no Locations posts types and no Layouts template.
Sadly, I think you are mistaken. I have looked at that link and all results are from Pages or Posts. NO custom post types.
What you are mistaking for other CPT results are the page contents from one of the pages that happens to have a custom view. Here is the Page that you are seeing in your search results for the term calendar: hidden link
So now we have another problem.
1) We are still only getting page and post results with no custom post types.
Example search showing NO CPTs in results: hidden link
This CPT (location) should be in the results: hidden link
2) Why the heck are all the page contents printing out in the search results for that one Civil War page?
Disabling layouts still only gave me the posts and pages with no locations.
After spending days on the issue I went a different route on my own. I am now using the default WordPress Archive cell in the Layout. Then I clicked to edit that cell. In the pop-up window I scrolled down to the section "Templates for this WordPress Archive" and modified the Item Loop to make it look the way I wanted it to.
I am not using the Custom Search view that I wanted, but at least I can keep Relevannsi turned on and not lose my custom post types in the search results.
I will open a separate ticket now for the new issue (#2) above.