to pull in data for a form. When I update Toolset the form no longer works. Is there anything in the newest update that would affect how I'm updating this form info? I don't know for sure that the code above is the specific issue but I do know that when I update toolset my plugin stops working.
Ya, I guess that is not the issue... I'm totally baffled as to what toolset could have changed to affect my plugin. My plugin is pretty simple overall. Is there a developer level change log I can see for toolset?
Ok, I found the new console error that comes up when I update Views:
Uncaught ReferenceError: wpv_pagination_local is not defined
at c.validator.submitHandler (VM407 custom_script.js:108)
at e (VM411 jquery.validate.js:14)
at HTMLFormElement.<anonymous> (VM411 jquery.validate.js:14)
at HTMLFormElement.dispatch (VM378 jquery.js:3)
at HTMLFormElement.r.handle (VM378 jquery.js:3)
Could you send me the code that you are using so that I can get a full context of what the code is suppose to do.
Perhaps we can work on a fix?
Also the error you sent is a JS error, it should have anything to do with the php function form your initial message. However for this JS error I would disable the non-toolset plugins to see if there is a conflict with any other installed plugin.
I was calling Toolset's reference to wpv_pagination_local.front_ajaxurl so that I would not have to call Ajax twice. You must have updated your code structure and changed how you are calling Ajax.