Hello. Thank you for contacting the Toolset support.
I see you are using the latest Toolset Types plugin but the latest Toolset Views version is 3.3.3.
Could you please first update all Toolset plugins to it's latest official release version and check if that help you to resolve your issue. If no:
- Do you see any JS error on your browser's console? If no:
Can you please export the Types structure from: Toolset => Import / Export => Types tab => Export and send me the file (you can upload the file to any file sharing service and send me the link to download it) and I will try to import the repeating field group structure and see if I able to reproduce the issue.
We just released a set of hotfix version for Toolset plugins including Toolset Types 3.4.5 that contains the fix for this issue.
*** Please make a FULL BACKUP of your database and website.***
Could you please update ALL Toolset plugins to it's latest officially released version. You can download the latest plugin release from your accounts page:
=> https://toolset.com/account/downloads/