I was setting the first Post Type and after some editing test, the layout disappeared from the Layout list.
I tried to logout, delete cache and cookies, change browser but I couldn't solve the issue.
Could you help me? Thank you.
I suspect the issue here is because you have our Toolset blocks plugin enabled.
Currently once you have the blocks plugin enabled then this will essentially override your layout information as blocks and layout is not meant to work together.
Hi Shane,
thank you.
So if I disable Toolset blocks plugin should it work fine?
Are there other plugins I should deactivate that could create bugs?
The problem is that Blocks and Layouts were not meant to work together because of the block editor being enabled by default.
What you can do is to enable the legacy editor as well in blocks by going to Toolset->Settings->Editing Experience and select the 3rd option in the setting.
Hi Shane,
I saw Toolset->Settings->Editing Experience and the third option is yet set.
Do you think I can work without fear of losing the layout again? 🙂