I am trying to: switch from one site to another in a multisite install with the following flow:
1. login with credentials of suprtadmin (network admin)
2. go to another site within the same network
3. I get a log screen
When I network disable toolset access plugin: I do not get a login screen.
The error in de serverlog is the following:
PHP Warning: array_intersect(): Argument #1 is not an array in /.../wp-content/plugins/types-access/application/models/access_settings.php on line 391
We see this error recurring many times in the logs lately.
We also experience this issue when switching from the fronend of a site within the network to the dashboard of the same site.
Update: this issue occurs when toolset access is network activated.
If we activate the plugin only on the site itself, this issue seems resolved.
We hope you can take this into account with your next update so network activation will become possible again?
Thanks, I'm able to replicate this problem and I'm even having trouble signing in to the main network site once I log out. I'm asking my 2nd tier team to investigate this with priority. In the meantime, you can use FTP to rename the types-access directory in wp-content/plugins if you need to regain access to the wp-admin area.
Our developers have informed me that this is a symptom of the same problem noted here:
Can you follow the instructions in this erratum post to install the patch file, and see if the problem is solved?