Hi there,
I'm creating a custom post type, lets call it "projects", each project I'm trying to make each page have a long form with project details that multiple users can add and alter data from the form and different users can update/change etc and regardless of who logs in they can view/change the info. Any suggestions on how to accomplish this? I don't want to "submit" the info but store it in the post type so it can constantly be viewed and updated on a per project/page basis.
A Toolset Form can be used to add or edit posts, which could be your projects, and these forms can be controlled by Toolset Access, or HTML conditional wrapping the Forms, so only certain users can access the and hence edit data.
About "submit", that's just how the entire WordPress and WWW works. You submit data thru forms to a database.
When you add a post in the WordPress backend, for example, that's nothing else but a form, that you submit, just here the button says "publish" or "update".
In a Toolset Form, that is the same.
Does this help?
I see how I can create a specific group in access (say Clients group) but how do I assign a specific user in the Clients group so they can only look at specific Product post types and not all post types?
You would assign the Post Group created with Toolset Access to the posts you want to show
The users who should see the post should have read rights in the Post Group you created, but no read rights in the general Post Type Settings of Access, for this specific Post Type.