Tell us what you are trying to do?
I am currently trying to create a list of criteria to filter by the contents of a custom field.
This is what I currently have as a shortcode.
<label>[wpml-string context="wpv-views"]Used for:[/wpml-string]</label>
[wpv-control-postmeta display_values="GB10,DB10,NB10,PvP,PvE,ToA,Fusion,Food,Raids,Beasts" default_label="All" values="GB10 - Giant Battles,DB10 - Dragon Battles,NB10 - Necro Battles,PvP - Player vs. Player,PvE - Player versus Environment,ToA - Tower of Ascension,Fusion,Food,Rift Raids 1 - 5,Rift Beasts" field="wpcf-used-for" type="select" source="custom" placeholder="Search for GB10, DB10, NB10 etc." url_param="wpv-wpcf-used-for"]
So the list should be as the display values suggest GB10, DB10, NB10 etc.
The values of the field are placed in a WYSIWYG field that has a value like DB10 - Dragon Battles, GB10 - Giant Battles, PvP - Player vs. Player
Now for some reason the filter will only show the custom value for PvP.
If I tell it to filter by excisting custom field value's it works like it should, just for some reason it stopped working with the manually entered values. It needs to search by string to find a similar part within a string to match with the custom value for it to work.
For example some of the Monsters on this website are used for: DB10 - Dragon Battles, GB10 - Giant Battles, PvE - Player versus environment. What I wish for the visitor to be able to search for GB10 and see all the monsters that have the GB10 part in their used for custom field value.
The silly thing is that the filter used to work, it just stopped working recently and I did not change anything about the shortcode. So I'm unsure what is wrong with it. If you need acces to take a look at the view you can let me know.