It misses out the last param de=[types field='delegate-grp-email'][/types]
I have a field checkbox which i want to trigger the email when the boxed changes from not ticked to tick, how do I test it?
Cant' get it working on
Also if tick the box on the form 'Submit this form without reloading the page (use AJAX)' i do not get the email notification, when i untick it i don get the notifications .
I tested this exact scenario with the AJAX and the checkbox field to trigger the notification and it worked fine on my end.
Would you mind allowing me to have admin access to the site as well as a link to the page where the form is so that I can test it on your end to see what is happening.
Perhaps I was missing something when I tried to replicate.
But is it possible to have an edit list where you tick the rows you want to update selected the field you want to update and then have a submit all button which will update all those rows selected and trigger the email notifications?
The reason is because we have to remember that each of these are individual forms. So creating a submit all button wouldn't work since each form is its own self contained instance.
This issue needs to be fixed on our end. Right now I would recommend using the form without the AJAX as i know this will cause some inconvenience to you, however i've added your ticket to the issues tracker as well.
I also see where there is some urgency being mentioned to our development team for a fix for this.
Yes it would work, however there is a bug with multiple ajax submit forms in a view loop, so unless this is resolved by our team then I do not suspect this method to work as intended.
What the code is doing is essentially mimicking the click action that you would normally do for each individual submit button.