I have a search with 2 post types - posts, and events.
I am filtering categories in each cpt, using radio buttons.
page results should show only 1 category (from posts it can be either articles, videos, audio. from events it can be courses or retreats).
thing is, since they are 2 different cpts, once i press "videos" (for example) and then press "courses" (for example), both radio buttons are marked checked and results are not showing properly.
I want to be able to press only 1 radio button in the page, so that if i press "videos" it will show videos, and if i later press "retreats" it will show only retreats.
i tried changing the relationship between filters to "OR" instead of "AND", but that didn't work.
Page is here:
hidden link
It's in hebrew, but all radios (the appear as checkboxes, but they are radios) except the 2 leftmost are posts. the 2 leftmost are events.
lol that was quick 🙂
i added this:
$("[class=js-wpv-filter-trigger]").prop('checked', false)
$(this).prop('checked', true)
and it worked!
hope this helps others somehow.