I am trying to:
Troubleshoot why my site suddenly stopped sending "Password Reset" emails to clients who click on "Lost Password".
Link to a page where the issue can be seen:
hidden link
I expected to see:
Email sent to user who correctly enters their email address in the Lost Password form.
Instead, I got:
No email sent and Lost Password page just reloads. It does not redirect to the "Success" or "Failure" pages in the shortcode, merely reloads the Lost Password page again.
May I request login credentials for your wp-admin area? I'll install the Duplicator plugin to create a clone of your site so I can run more tests locally without affecting the live site.
I just installed the clone on my local environment and deactivated all non-Toolset plugins and activated Twenty Nineteen. The lost-password Form redirected to Test Page Success successfully. On a hunch, I reactivated Profile Builder Pro and Profile Builder - WooCommerce Sync Add-on. The problem returned.
Please go to wp-admin > Profile Builder > Custom Redirects and take a look at the bottom of the screen. You'll see that lost-password has a custom redirect, and that is overriding the functionality of the lost-password form created by Toolset. You'll have to remove that redirect.