I'm using Toolset Export/Import function to import the TYPEs.zip and Views.zip. We have several Post type and Archive using the same term field groups. We're loosing the "Where to include this Field Group" assignments. The assignments to taxonomies are correctly assigned in the exporting WordPress instance.
Resetting by hand works, but perfect export/import would be much better 🙂 Please advise. Thank you.
Hi, sorry but I don't quite understand the problem.
We have several Post type and Archive using the same term field groups.
Term field groups do not apply to Post Types or Archives directly. Term field groups apply to taxonomies.
We're loosing the "Where to include this Field Group" assignments.
In a taxonomy term field group editor, you can only assign these field groups to taxonomies, not Post Types or Archives. So I'm a little confused about what you're trying to accomplish here. Maybe you mean you have several taxonomies using the same term field groups?
I'll be glad to take a quick look and see what happens when I import the content into another site. Please upload the export file to Dropbox or Drive and post a download link here for me to review.
Hi Shane,
I'll set up the test as requested - but what you said is not correct. What I'm importing are Types.zip and Views.zip as I update my CPTs from the development environment.
What is lost is the term field group assignments to the taxonomies. Please see attached photo "This Term Field Group is used with the following Taxonomies: " After I import I must open the field group and re-assgn the various taxonomies as they were on the exporting instance.
If I'm still not clear I'll make a step by step doc with screenshots next time I do a CPT update.