Hi there,
This is on a devl site !
I have builded a table hidden link using a view. It is working fine except for some posts the last item on the grid is not showing. These are all based on a taxonomy if it exists or not.
[wpv-conditional if="( CONTAINS(#(product-service),'Security printer/converter') )"]
<span class="pipe">X</span>
[wpv-conditional if="( NOT(CONTAINS(#(product-service),'Security printer/converter')) )"]
<span class="pipe">–</span>
I have tried interverting the code thinking it was related to the last taxonomy and so on, but still the same. For some reason the last one is not showing on some posts (Any, Authentix,NASPS)
I can give you access to the site without any issue!
Thanks for your help,
My issue is resolved now. Thank you!