In each album(album.jpg), the author's name appears (simple field), but each author (custom post) has its own page(lesartistes.jpg).
I want to be able to choose the author with a link to this page (custom post) from the album.
But I don't know how?
Can you help me?
Guy Kayser
Welcome to Toolset support. I think the correct way is to create a one-to-many relationship between the author and album post types.
That way you will be able to select the post itself as the author of an album and then using a view you can select the title of a related post with a link to the author page.
You can learn more about post relationships here:
Alternatively, you can learn individual lessons here:
Thank you very much, I've created this relationship between the author and his books. But now I can't figure out how to create a field with the author's name in the album's file that is also a link to the book's author page.
Thanks if you can go a little further in your advice.
Thank you and sorry for the late reply due to the weekend time.
Now please add a view block and follow the steps like the documentation below:
The difference between your scenario and the doc above is that the doc above will show many posts, but for you it is just one post and you add a Post Title with link option there and it will be the link you can use on the page.
If needed I can take a look into the page for you. I'd appreciate it if you could give me the URL/User/Pass of your WordPress dashboard after you make sure that you have a backup of your website.
It is absolutely important that you give us a guarantee that you have a backup so if something happens you will have a point of restore.
Make sure you set the next reply as private.
I will need the link to the page in question.
Thank you for the login information. Please check this video to know how I created the proper post title with a link to show the artist:
hidden link
Here is the link of an album that has a connection with an Artist using Toolset relationship:
hidden link
Thank you Christian, I'd like to thank toolset and the whole team for the help you give me every time I make a request.
Will this video be active for a while?