what is wrong in this code:
[wpv-post-taxonomy type="nascholing-of-cursus" item="@zorgaanbieder-nascholing.child"]: [wpv-post-title item="@zorgaanbieder-nascholing.child"] - [types field='jaartal-nascholing'][/types] [cred-delete-relationship role_items='$fromViews' relationship='zorgaanbieder-nascholing' redirect='self'](-)[/cred-delete-relationship]
The view you are using is set to query the intermediary post type "Zorgaanbieders Nascholingen Jaartallen":
=> hidden link
The shortcode to delete the relationship ( [cred-delete-relationship] ) will only work from a view that is set to show posts belongs to either the "Zorgaanbieders" (parent) or the "Nascholingen" (child) post type.