Hi, I've an Archive template for Blog Posts where I'm not using the Archive loop, but I've included a Legacy View.
The view has a grid where the first item is filled by a Content template to display the list of categories and the rest of items are the loop of Posts displayed by a content template. The wpv-no-items-found includes the same grid, but, instead of the loop content template, a "No reuslts" text.
The view works fine, but if there are no results, the category list's Content template doesn't display anything.
It seems there could be a cache issue, as soon as I typed some dummy text to no items found section of view ID 11167 and saved it and then reload the category archive page above, it's displaying the output.
Hi Minesh, the issue is not fixed. Please, check it again.
What you have seen was a test I've done including the category menu view directly inside no items found section, but it still doesn't display the [wpv-post-body view_template="category-menu"] content template.
When you are using Toolset Blocks we advise to not use nested views, content templates as it will offer undesirable results.
In this case when you add the content template to no items found section, when you add content template it looses the contact of archive as you are using other third party blocks as well.
- hidden link
The only solution to this as of now is to use the view you added to content template, you should directly add it to no items found section. I've just added the view to no items found section instead of content template and I see its working as expected.