I have recently installed Layouts. The already existing contents (pages and posts) use Toolset Content Template to display on frontend. By activating Toolset Layouts it seems that any template created previously with Content Templates is being overridden, and all I get are white pages.
My goal is to keep using the 'old' Content Templates template, which are working just fine, and to assign Layouts only to specific Pages, where i need the visual editor.
I guess this is achievable by editing the page and/or single.php templates in the theme folder (Toolset Starter btw.) but I don't know exactly what I am supposed to do.
How can I accomplish the desired result?
A quick update.
I was able actually to reactivate the Content Template tempates by commenting the if/else statement in page.php
//if ( defined( 'WPDDL_VERSION' ) ) :
//get_header( 'layouts');
//the_ddlayout( 'page-default' ); // Loads 'page-default' layout by default
//get_footer( 'layouts' );
if ( have_posts() ) : while ( have_posts() ) : the_post();
endwhile; endif; // WP Loop
//endif; // IF Layouts are enabled
and to enable Layouts only on the pages I need copying and renaming page.php in page-mypage.php.
I guess with this the problem should be solved.