When you click on a company on A to Z you go to the company page.
On that page I need the Company Details logo at the top and the Quotes logo underneath please.
Capture 2 shows this on the A to Z page. The individual details would show ib the company pages where the A to Z is.
This is a link to a page where you can see the company details at the top and quotes at the bottom. Toolset is in between these images.
hidden link
When you click through to any individual company I want these two images to appear.
An example of this is: hidden link
AS per the company details page, the images need to be on the page with Toolset results in between.
When you view the A to Z page it has the company details image at the top of the page and the quotes image at the bottom of the page.
These are part of the page built with Beaver Builder and a saved field.
I need these two images to display on the company page also. For example, click on Aviva and these two images are not there.
Ok - it looks beaver builder does the image processing as per the element size - you should add layouts row at top and bottom of the page and add the image cell and add your image accordingly.
You may need to create the image exactly as per your display size you wanted to display as per company A to Z page.