The issue is only there when i activate w3 Total Cache or WP Rocket. it doesn't matter which cache plugin i activate i begin to have this issue. please login to my site, i have deactivated WP Rocket now and the issue with Layout doesn't appear at all.
If you activate WP Rocket again, or even you can download and install w3 Total cache, the issue with Layouts will be there..
since this issue happens with any Cache plugin, i decided to contact Toolset support and not WP Rocket or W3 Total cache.
It strange that this does not occur on the copy of the site that i've setup locally.
It works fine even with the WP Rocket plugin installed. The only issue I noticed was with WPML however I can provide a copy to our 2nd tier supporters for further checks on this as the issue can be more than just with Toolset and the caching plugins.
It will take some time for them to debug but the workaround that I mentioned earlier should work for you as well since its the same website.
Could you try the following ?
in wp-content/plugins/layouts/classes-auto/wpddl.layouts-editor.class.php find do_action( 'save_post', $post_id, $post );
Change that to do_action( 'save_post', $post_id, $post, $update );
I have followed your suggestion but this didn't make any change. Cache also was deleted etc... no success.
I even tried to delete all the content from the layout but the issue remain.
BTW: this is happening only by this specific layout.. other layouts or new ones are working fine.
As i said, remaking the Layout doesn't solve the issue which is also weird. I mean if i copy all content of the layout and create a new one and add that code to it, this wont solve the problem, i tried it already. Work around for me now is to turn of the caching plugin and edit that layout and once i finish i reactivate the cache plugin.
Hope this will be solved soon. Please update me once you have any news about this topic. Thank you
Yes to create a new one from the same code its possible. but after assigning Recipes CPT to it, the issue show up again. i just assigned now the layout you have created and the Error remains. you can take a look. and the older Layout from where you get the code now works fine when saving.
I've gotten information from our 2nd tier support that this issue has been resolved in one of our Layouts release.
If you have not already done so I would recommend that you update all your toolset plugins to their latest versions and see if this issue still remains.