After updating Views today to version version 3.2.2, I've noticed that most of the resources of the site weren't loading.
I found out that Views is now colliding with SG Optimizer — which is vital to speed up the website. If the following option is enabled, the site's functionality breaks completely:
"Combine JavaScript Files - Combine your JavaScript files in order to reduce the number of requests to the server."
This wasn't happening with the previous version of Views.
Could someone please help me with this. Is there any other solution other than exclude the scripts?
The following page lists JS files which must be excluded by optimisation plugins that combine JS files (they don't necessarily combine them in the expected order, which can cause things to break):
Have you excluded those files? (This is not a new requirement.)
If you find after excluding those particular files that you still experience problems, let me know (it could be that an update has added JS files which would also need to be excluded).
Thanks for your reply. I'm using SG Optimiser and I was using it before the Views update without any exclusions and it was working fine. It was just when I updated Views that this happening.
I've checked and there is no way to insert those files on that list, because they show up on the list of files to exclude.
I've got about 4 listed as Toolset and about the same from the Theme and the jquery one. That's it.
It could be that the new version of Views relies on some additional JS files that cannot be combined by optimiser plugins, or that the way you were using Views before didn't depend on the problematic files.
I tried to check how to add files to SiteGround to exclude them, but I can't test the plugin when not using SiteGround as host, the plugin won't activate in other environments.
If it's not possible to specify individual files to exclude from the JS concatenation then you may have to turn this feature off, and use another plugin which does allow you to list files to exclude from the optimisation. (I'd guess that is the most popular such plugin.)