Reported this before. Update setting in a Toolset Block. Have updated to 1.0 of Toolset Blocks and to Gutenberg 7.1. No experiments on in Gutenberg. Need features from both. Think Amir and the dev team should know since we are seeing a lot of people shifting to stay current with Gutenberg.
I could not see any similar issue locally or on my test sites using the WordPress incorporated (stable) version of Gutenberg, and as Shane states here we offer integration with the WordPress Core Gutenberg features only.
I can, however, see the issue you mention on the beta plugin you use, which allows testing bleeding-edge features around editing and customization projects before they land in future WordPress releases of Gutenberg.
I am sure our Developers are aware of any change coming, I have however made sure they do not forget about this one by issuing an internal tracking ticket for the problem.
We will always ensure the plugins are compatible with the stable versions of Gutenberg - however, I want to thank you for not hesitate to inform us about any issue, it helps to avoid them as well.
I understand the position and this is not "stopping" us at this point, but I think you need to review talking about and treating the released versions of the stand-alone Gutenberg plugin with experiments shut off as "beta" or "bleeding-edge". That is not how customers or the community will see it.
Given that Toolset has gone "all-in" with Gutenberg (A strategy I strongly endorse), this makes it look like you don't really mean it. It's not that compatibility issues will not occur or be expected, but they should be treated as an issue that will be responded to like any other production issue. Something like this that is directly inside Toolset's blocks will make people reluctant to use them on production deploys. I am using blocks from both Learndash and WPforms as well as block libraries from Brainstorm Force and Stackable on the same site without similar issues.
I am happy to talk about this with Amir or anyone else from dev/product marketing/management. If Toolset's position is Toolset Blocks can only be used with core releases, it means we will have to look for alternatives for 50% of our projects that are leveraging released features of Gutenberg. Since we try to avoid using different technologies for the same thing across projects, it may impact our overall use of Toolset and push us to alternatives. I believe you have a good strategy and the new product can be a market changer, but this support strategy makes us question that.
I have already escalated this issue to the developers.
I will escalate the ticket itself to the 2nd Tier, so we can keep up updated with eventual fixes provided.
It is our greatest concern to have Toolset working with Gutenberg, so this will receive adequate attention, and also reviewed by persons with enough oversight to include in future releases or patch as an erratum.
This looks like it should have been resolved a while ago. We had a new release of Blocks yesterday (1.2). If you still have any problems after updating please let us know.
Hi Nigel. I checked this on one of our staging sites with Toolset 1.2 and Gutenberg 8.0. I didn't check every Toolset block, but did check the main ones we use. Sidebar is displaying No issues. Send thanks to the the team. Thanks for following up.