I have a view who display some acf fields who are on the current page.. It's works well only on one page.
On another pages it's doesn't work, I think they can't find the current page.
In the filter I have this message "Cela filtrera les publications des types suivants car elles ne sont associées à aucun autre type de publication : Créateurs"
Not sure what this view is suppose to be displaying but you've added relationship filter for the Creatuers CPT but there is no relationship relating it to itself.
Your relationship is createur [0 .. 1] << Carnets de voyage [*] so your view should be set to display Carnets de voyage not createur
Correct but the view in question is the view that is displaying just " Créateurs"
You've added a relationship filter to it, but the CPT can't be related to itself through a Types relationship. This is why you are getting the no results found.
In this view what is it that you are trying to display ?