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I want to display a CPT for custom fields created in toolset in wp maps pro, as it is possible, to show a .geojson overlay there.
I would like to add some toolset custom fields to the mapmaker-popup, but it does not work.
Is there any specific way to name the piston fields?
We tried:
Then there is another post where I would like to integrate toolset with wp maps pro:
wp-maps offer a way to show postings using custom fields. What would be the correct fieldnames?
If you just want to know how to output a Toolset custom field in a similar way that you would an ACF field, the only part that is missing is that Toolset stores its custom fields (as standard post meta) with a 'wpcf-' prefix.
So in the example from the how to page you linked to, if you had "phone" and "website" custom fields, their post meta keys would be "wpcf-phone" and "wpcf-website" and so—according to that documentation—you would output them using "{%wpcf-phone%} and {%wpcf-website%}.
Unfortunately only the address is stored in the post meta table for the database. We do not store the Lat/Long coordinates in the post meta table so it won't be retrievable by conventional means.
The coordinates are always stored in the cache table for maps. We do not offer a proper API to let you reuse the coordinates.