I copied your settings exactly and that has helped a lot. Thank you. I still have two issues I'd like to eliminate if possible.
1. I need at least 6 items per load. With 2 or 6 items I still see the bottom of the page for a bit of time before the "next" items load. I experimented with #of items and tolerance, but the issue seems about the same.
2. After scrolling down and loading new items - when I scroll back to the top of the page, the teasers flash partial fade for a 3-5 seconds. I'd like to eliminate the temporary faded state.
Normal hidden link
Partially Faded. hidden link
I've had a couple of developers look for issues with my site and none reported problems. If you guys think the issue is really the fault of my site I'll try again, but scrolling is the only issue I'm experiencing now.
I'm working on my dev site with nothing on the WordPress page except the Infinte Things VIEW shortcode. The only items in my loop are wp-post-featured-image , wp-post-link, and wp-post-excerpt. It's a pretty juiced up Azure VM.
When you get to the bottom and the next items take a little while to load, you can try and avoid that by updating the options to preload more results so that they are already in memory and are not relying on a network request.
But that does mean a longer initial load time, and even when retrieving them from memory there appears to me to be a lag of roughly a second, which casual users might not notice, but when developing and testing, one does.
Regarding the partial fading of results, that seems to occur during a network request.
Funnily enough, I have another thread at the moment querying the same thing.
I'm going to set up an online test server to explore this a little more, and I'll get back to you when I've done some more testing.
Can I get a link to the page where you are taking these screenshots from?
In my own testing on a new site I found that the greying-out of the current results occurs when the loading spinner is displayed, and that happens when you scroll to trigger an update of results prompting a network request, or when you haven't preloaded the subsequent pages.
If you are pre-loading pages you won't see the spinner and you shouldn't see the existing results greying-out.
Let me set up a private reply so that I can see the settings in the back end, too.
Unfortunately, I don't have much more to share other than what I've already discussed.
On my own test site I've done some extensive testing of the various settings, and I've identified several problems which arise because of how infinite scrolling is implemented on top of the standard forms of pagination, even though it has unique characteristics that suggest different handling.
I've escalated these issues so that they can be reviewed, but in the absence of any changes to the plugin I don't have anything to offer beyond what I've already suggested and which you've seen the results of on your own site in testing.
I'm escalating this ticket, and when I have some feedback I'll share it with you.