I don't know if that is the post you were referring to, but that helped me understand: https://toolset.com/documentation/user-guides/how-to-import-content-into-wordpress-using-csv/how-to-import-data-from-a-csv-file-using-the-wp-all-import-toolset-types-add-on-plugin/post-relationships/
What I still don't get, though, is how to create those tables in the first place...
Ex: the example closest to the first step I need to accomplish is the one-to-many relationship example... I do understand how to import them and did it... BUT how do I create those CSV (or XML) files?
First, let's start with you example:
To produce those CSV files on export, I would need to have:
A table called Movies with 6 columns (Movie Name, ReleaseDate, Production Company, Shot In, Budget, Genre and Director), but we don't need the Director one for this example.
A table called Directors with 3 columns (Director Name, Director bio note, Date of birth).
Then you added to the CSV file 3 columns for 3 movies, 3 being the most a director can have... But when we have undreds of records, we can't manually created Movie 1, Movie 2... Movie 50 and copy all the data in them...
I might be limited in my SQL knowledge, but I didn't find a request that would allow me to export that kind of file... We can dynamically create rows, but not columns... I tried with joins and different things without success...
In my example, I have Articles with one Author (shoud be able to put many, but that's how it was built)... So, imported the Articles XML file, but now, I would need a way to create the Author file and have the title of the Articles (which serves as the unique key) in columns, but one has 137 articles... would make a lot of columns if I need to create them manually...
A query like that:
FROM partageirbpi.pi_article inner join partageirbpi.pi_auteurs
ON pi_article.AUTEUR = pi_auteurs.AUT_ID;
returns, for example, 5 times the same author, with the same note, but a different title...
Any idea? I know the pro version of WP All Import support functions and loops... don't know if I need that (I guess so, later on, if I don't want to drag the title field 137 times)...