We have the latest versions of Toolset Views, Layouts, Types and Maps. The image alignment in a cell in a row is no more available. I cannot select an alignment. The selected choice does not get highlighted. The default value of alignnone gets rendered. Also changing a selection to another is not possible.
I cleared the cache of the website, but this does not resolve the problem.
Is this due to the legacy status of Layouts or Views plugin?
Hello and thank you for contacting the Toolset support.
When we put Toolset Layouts and Views into maintenance mode, we meant that will not add any new features to them, but we are still maintaining them for websites that are still using them. However, we encourage you to switch Views for Blocks, and completely drop Layouts. Toolset Blocks have also the legacy editor hidden behind a settings(Toolset->Settings->General(tab)->Editing experience).
Regarding this issue, maybe this happens because of a new compatibility conflict with another component of the website(theme/plugin). Please check if this appears when:
- Only Toolset plugins are activated. It will tell us if there is an interaction issue with another plugin.
- The theme is set to a WordPress default like Twenty-Twenty. It will tell us if there is an interaction issue with your theme.
If the problem disappears, start activating one at a time to track where the incompatibility is produced.
Can you also share a screenshot of the alignement control that you got? The wider the screenshot, the better.
Would you allow me temporary access to your website to check this closely? Your next reply will be private to let you share credentials safely. ** Make a database backup before sharing credentials. **
There is a conflict with the Popup box plugin from Popup Box Team. At least with the last version 2.5.5. Deactivating the plugin resolves the problem. Reactivating this plugin afterwards sets the problem again.
Thank you for your feedback. Would you allow me temporary access to your website to check this issue further, maybe I'll be able to provide a workaround. Your next reply will be private to let you share credentials safely. ** Make a database backup before sharing credentials. **
Please share a screenshot of the alignement control that you got? The wider the screenshot, the better. So, I am sure to understand the issue in the same way as you.
If you can't share access to your webiste, I can create a test site on our platform and let you reproduce the issue on it with the Popup Box plugin. Let me know if you would prefer it.
Popup box plugin solved the problem itself meanwhile.
Thank you for your feedback. Glad to hear it was fixed. I am setting this ticket as resolved, let me know if you need any further assistance.