I bought the Toolset so I could repurpose some of the plugins like Properties and Agencies. I see them and how to start customizing them in the dashboard but don't know how to move them out and into production. I'm not building a typical real estate site and wasn't planning to use your template and I already have content created in WP and Elementor that I want to keep.
Please send instructions, a link to a video (preferred) or set up a call
Hello, there's not a single plugin or widget per se for these items. They are made up of individual components like custom post types and custom fields, templates and Views. There are two things you can do to transfer content between Toolset sites.
1. Use the Module Manager to export custom post types, custom fields, templates, views, and so forth as transportable modules. Note that this does not export content, it only exports data structures. We have more information about the Module Manager available here: https://toolset.com/documentation/user-guides/export-import/modules-exporting-and-importing/
2. Use the WordPress Export tool to export post content from these custom post types. This will export posts, their custom field values, their taxonomy terms, their post relationships, and so forth. Then after using the Module Manager to import data structures as modules, you can use the WordPress Import tool in the new site to import your post content.