On the 'Edit Profile' button on hidden link, I want to add the form which edits the tutors profile (as shown in screenshot hidden link ) but when I try to place the desired form on the 'Edit Profile' tab on the backend, it works on the back end, but when I visit the website, there is an error. (as shown in screenshot hidden link ).
I expected to see tutor can edit their profile in "Edit Profile" tab with same edit form, please see screenshot here hidden link
Please help me setup this or please share the iFrame so I can get this setup and working.
In order to do this you must first create a view that will list the User's profile, given that it is a post type. Then on that view you're going to add a query filter so that you can filter the view by the Post Author. For this filter you will set it to the Current logged in user option.
From there just add your form to the view loop and you should be able to edit the user's profile.