Hello Christian,
I want to apologize if I seem frustrated. I'm just under a time crunch and using toolset was supposed to make this functionality easier to complete. It very much is but this map and provider search is driving me crazy. Again thank you so much for all of your help I just need to get this done. Let me know if there is any info you need from me that might help you help me. Hahaha that sounded funny. Also let me know the best time for us to go over these issues so we can talk through this ticket. We seem to have large gaps of time in between replies so I want to make sure I make myself available when its the most convenient for you. Again I am sorry if any frustration has come across on you. It was not intended.
Please take a look now. I have placed one View "map-search" in the left column. I have also placed one map shortcode in the right column, using ID map-13. In the Loop of the map-search View, I placed marker shortcodes based on what you had already created in the Locations View. I replaced the map ID so the markers link up with the map now. The distance filter is also displayed in the left column. When I tested with zip code 29403, the map responded and showed the appropriate markers.
So if im not using a view to show the map can I customize the map markers still?
Yes, you can customize the markers by editing or replacing the map marker shortcodes in the Loop Editor of the map-search View.
Nice!! thank you so much. So I just need to create a view with a dropdown of the location for the second filter. Also how would you put different color map markers on a map for a certain location category?
Also how would you put different color map markers on a map for a certain location category?
You can use conditional HTML to display different map marker icons based on the location category. There are several other tickets in the forum that include code samples and explanations, like this one: https://toolset.com/forums/topic/can-i-customize-map-markers-based-on-category/
If you have specific questions about this, feel free to open a separate ticket so we can discuss in more detail.
Thank you for that info. Is the Service dropdown filter for the map included in this ticket also? Or should I open a new ticket for that?
Do you want to add a Service filter to the current map, or are you creating a separate map with only the service filter?
To the current map. I want to end up something like this ( image attached )
Also is there a way to hide the use my location. do I need to do that in the css or can I remove it from the view?
Okay you should edit the map-search View and scroll down to the section "Search and Pagination". Click "New filter" to add a new filter, and choose the criteria you want to filter upon. The system will generate the filter shortcode automatically.
Ok cool I got it in there. And it seems to be working. Does it have to have a submit button to function? Can it trigger the search just when the dropdown is chosen?
Still have the question about the use my location button. Can that be removed.
There is no option to turn it off, but you can hide it with CSS. Try adding this to the map search View's Search and Pagination CSS panel:
display: none !important;
Thank you so much that worked!! Again thank you for all the help and Im so sorry I keep pestering you. Once I get toolset down you will never have to hear from me again hahaha. So the search and dropdown are working as needed now but how would I embed those filters on a different page and have them link to this map. For instance on the home page someone uses the dropdown or search to find a location and the result will take them to the locations page with the locations that match populating the map.
You have the option to insert only the search form when you insert the View shortcode. Check the documentation here for more information about this: https://toolset.com/documentation/user-guides/front-page-filters/#4-1-adding-the-custom-search-form-to-a-page-or-widget