I have projects with categories i.e technology, number of units etc.
On each projects I have an info panel including details like 'technology:'
I want to display all technology connected to this property but using
The wpv-post-taxonomy shortcode will list all the categories assigned to the current post.
From your screenshot it looks like you are using hierarchical categories, something like this
- Technology
-- Audio Visual
-- Lighting Control
- Number of units
-- One
-- Two
-- Three
- Something else
-- This
-- That
If you want to display somewhere on a post that it has the technology categories Audio-Visual and Lighting Control assigned, and not show other categories such as "Two" from Number of units, then what you need to do is break out the separate "types of categories" into their own custom taxonomy.
So you should make a custom taxonomy for Technology and then add the terms for Audio-Visual, Lighting Control etc, and another custom taxonomy for Number of units, and as many taxonomies as you have "kinds of category".
Then when you use the wpv-post-taxonomy shortcode you can specify the taxonomy the terms should come from.