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[Closed] I have heavy issues where I need your help!

This support ticket is created 2 years, 4 months ago. There's a good chance that you are reading advice that it now obsolete.

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This topic contains 5 replies, has 2 voices.

Last updated by Nigel 2 years, 4 months ago.

Assisted by: Nigel.

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My hope is low for solving this issue here, but maybe you have a solution hopefully. At the moment, working with toolset views is not possible.

I am trying to:

a) If saving the toolset view page or
b) even only saving the WPML translation

the server always crashes and I have a 503 error.

- This is really annoying, as this means downtime to my clients and I need to put my search field online THIS Monday.
This issue is cleary coming from toolset and after month of try outs I need you to solve these issues now. Thank you for understanding.

- After the 503, the CSS in the English translation is broken and on the German original page, I have the message
"Not valid JSON" (See screenshots attached). I deleted the English translation for now and need to re-create it later - or if you like please add "English" and test out what happens.

- I really have set up only a simple search field, selectors, pic, description and read more button.
Please help me to solve the issues here, as working in the editor is slow, I loose time and have regular my 503 error with toolset only. I thought creating search fields wouldn't be that complicated.

Link to a page where the issue can be seen:
hidden link
This View & page is not visible yet to public but is planned for Monday.

I expected to see:
German & English translation works, no JSON error or 503 / CSS errors while saving the view!

Instead, I got: 503 error, slow backend, broken CSS in both languages

I do not know what do to anymore .Thank you so much for your fast investigation here. Otherwise Toolset may not be usable for me at all if we do not solve this nasty bug. ✌️✌️

Error log:
Connection reset by peer:

AH01075: Error dispatching request to :, referer: hidden link

AH01276: Cannot serve directory /wp-admin/css/: No matching DirectoryIndex (index.html,index.cgi,,index.php,index.xhtml,index.htm,index.shtml) found, and server-generated directory index forbidden by Options directive, referer:



Languages: English (English ) Spanish (Español )

Timezone: Europe/London (GMT+01:00)

Screenshot 2022-02-16 at 16.41.42.png

Hi Stephanie

Before trying to edit the View itself I did some checking of your site (I recall it being impossible to take a copy of it previously).

A few observations...

It's a large site. Checking the database, there are 239 database tables. Many of these seem redundant, possibly left over from when you were experimenting with different plugins (e.g. there appear to be tables from BuddyPress and Revslider, neither of which I see on your site).

I'm not sure where the tables _wpr_rucss_resources or _wpr_rucss_used_css come from, but at 50Mb each they are both very large.

Such tables put strain on your database in general.

In your wp-config.php file you have set the memory constants to 1024M, but I added a phpinfo file to your site and can see that the actual memory available to scripts from the server is 512M, which is the actual limit of available memory.

That's still quite high, but in the context of your site—large, with quite a few heavy-duty plugins active—is very much needed, and seemingly, from the errors you report, not enough.

Your _posts database table is 61Mb, while your _postmeta table is 335Mb.

Querying posts filtered by post meta is inefficient in general (a known limitation of WordPress), and that becomes particularly problematic in the context of such a large _postmeta table.

You have Views with custom field filters that rely on this (built on core WordPress functions; you would have the same problems if the queries were manually coded rather than using Views).

There are a couple of things you can do that may help (I didn't check what the current settings of your Views are).

One is to avoid using the setting "Show only filter options that would produce results" in the Custom Search settings for the View block (screenshot), which comes with a warning that it can have a performance impact.

The other is to make sure you are not ordering the results by a custom field; order by a standard field (such as post_title or post_date) instead.

Do either of those apply on your site? Does changing them help?

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Bildschirmfoto 2022-02-17 um 16.17.17.png

Hi Nigel

thank you so much for your awesome support here and try to find the errors.

"Checking the database, there are 239 database tables. Many of these seem redundant, possibly left over from when you were experimenting with different plugins (e.g. there appear to be tables from BuddyPress and Revslider, neither of which I see on your site)."

"I'm not sure where the tables _wpr_rucss_resources or _wpr_rucss_used_css come from, but at 50Mb each they are both very large. Such tables put strain on your database in general."

"Your _posts database table is 61Mb, while your _postmeta table is 335Mb."

----> I had payed someone to cleanup the database for me of unused and old entries. Should have been this also deleted? So cleanup those would free the page's speed again? Maybe he didn't see those tables and missed it?

"In your wp-config.php file you have set the memory constants to 1024M, but I added a phpinfo file to your site and can see that the actual memory available to scripts from the server is 512M, which is the actual limit of available memory."

----> Should I contact my provider for this and asking, if 1024M would be possible?

"One is to avoid using the setting "Show only filter options that would produce results" in the Custom Search settings for the View block (screenshot), which comes with a warning that it can have a performance impact."

----> The option is already turned off, is that correct? Thank you for taking care!

#4 The other is to make sure you are not ordering the results by a custom field; order by a standard field (such as post_title or post_date) instead.

----> Could you explain what you mean and setup an simple example view for me:
" order by a standard field (such as post_title or post_date) instead."

Do you mean my custom fields "Position" & "City" are the problem? (see screenshot 2)

Thank you! Happy to hear from you soon, my best!



Languages: English (English ) Spanish (Español )

Timezone: Europe/London (GMT+01:00)

Sorry Stephanie, there was a glitch in our system and this thread has been lost in no-man's land until now.

#1 - It doesn't look like anyone cleaned up the database. Having many redundant tables in the database certainly won't help performance.

I can't say how many entries in wp_posts or wp_postmeta you should expect to find, but you certainly have a lot, and it would definitely help if they were only as large as they need to be. Aside from the obvious—deleting post revisions—you may want to create a list of post types that you expect to find in wp_posts (so, the built-in WordPress post types as well as post types created by the plugins you are actually using, including Toolset), and then look for any posts of different post types that perhaps should not be there and which it may be possible to delete. (Using core WordPress functions to delete the posts rather than deleting them directly from the database would mean that the corresponding entries in wp_postmeta would be deleted, too.)

#2 - 512M is already a lot, but if your site is very large and struggling, then a higher memory allocation would help.

#3 - good

#4 - Your View returns posts, and there is an option to specify what order they should be shown in (screenshot). Avoid ordering by a custom field, stick with either the post title or post date. You wouldn't notice a problem on smaller sites, but on large sites it can become very problematic (again, a limitation of WordPress itself rather than Toolset).



unfortunately, the issue is still there after changing your suggestions.

#1 I will contact the developer and ask him to delete redundant tables as I told him. This is of course very sad he did not work 100%.

#2 I have upgraded my web package to 712MB php memory, I hope that will give some space to work with?
I guess Toolset in combination with Learndash & Woocommerce is heavy right

#4 - hmm I am sorry but I can not follow your instructions here, could you help me to understand? I am unsure what I will have to change here to make it wok. Could you send screenshots what need to be changed / what the issue might be here?

Do I need to remove the "custom fields" and only leave the "post title"? I am afraid I want to display town / country on the results page and I can not delete them.

Thank you for your help and patience!



Languages: English (English ) Spanish (Español )

Timezone: Europe/London (GMT+01:00)


Sorry, I missed attaching the screenshot to my last reply, I'm doing that now.

It is not a problem to include custom fields in the output of the View, what you should avoid is ordering the results by a custom field.

In the screenshot the results are ordered by post date, or you may want to try ordering by post title. Just be sure not to order by a custom field (if that is what you are doing).

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