I am trying to: This my second attempt to submit this support ticket. First one could not be submitted. After clicking on the button submit it, it gave an error, asking me if I really want to submit it but by then all of the information I typed in got lost.
I have not used Toolset for many years. When I did, I found it to have full of bugs and lots of limitations. I wanted to have another go today and I am not very happy even before I started using your plugins. I have just installed the plugins through your installer plugin and now I cannot view my installed plugins. Instead, I see a Welcome to Toolset page with a link to a Youtube video.
I also tried to include the information from the debug page but you form did not acknowledge the information and did not allow me to submit this form with it so I removed it.
So far, I am not really happy with Toolstet and after so many years and updates, it does not seem that much has not changed.
You advertise your product as a product that can be used without knowing coding. I really hope this can quickly be resolved so I can move on and probably delete toolset and be done with it for good.
Link to a page where the issue can be seen:
I expected to see:
Instead, I got:
I cleared the cache and restarted the computer, and it is now working. Thanks