Hi there,
I am trying to redevelop an existing site (hidden link) which uses a premium theme and woocommerce.
I want to rebuild it using Divi and Toolset.
I've managed to get products showing fine with a basic template hidden link
And also charities with a basic template hidden link
I've been trying to create a view page and an archive page but I can't get either to display any content?
I've followed your tutorials and I'm pretty sure I've followed them correctly, but I just can't get content to display.
I've set you up as a user if you could take a look please?
This is my first experience with toolset and I think it could be just what I'm looking for as we have a number of comparison sites where relationships between products and merchants etc would work really well with Toolset.
I currently build sites with ACF which works well, but my php isn't great so a visual tool like this would be great if I can get it to work. 🙂
I look forward to hearing from you.
Hi, I logged in to check this View:
hidden link
I can see that the Loop Editor is empty (see the first screenshot). I'm not exactly sure how there is a Loop template assigned to a View with no Loop contents...sometimes this happens when Views are duplicated or post types are modified. At any rate I think the best thing to do in this case is to rebuild the Loop. Click "Loop Wizard" to run the wizard again, and for "How do you want to display the Loop" choose an "Unformatted" for now. Insert the post title in the second screen of the popup and uncheck Use a Content Template (see screenshot). This will disassociate the current Content Template from this View.
Now test again, you should see the post title appear in the View's results. If you want to construct a template in Divi to use in this View, click "Loop Wizard" again to run the wizard once more. This time, check the "Use a Content Template" checkbox. You will then be able to edit the template with the Divi Builder.
I checked the Charities WordPress Archive as well, and I can see the same problem exists - the Loop Output editor is empty. Try rebuilding this Loop using the same basic process described earlier for rebuilding a View's loop: run the wizard and deselect "Use a Content Template" to disconnect the current Content Template. Then confirm the results are appearing as expected, then re-run the wizard if necessary to create a Content Template you can design in Divi.
Hi there,
Strange that the loop should be empty when I followed the instructions. Is this a known issue?
I'll create it without template first next time then go back and style.