I have paid to register toolset.
I have used the interface to add my site.
When I paste my key into the field I get the message "Invalid site key for the current site"
Help please
I can see that you registered a website hidden link on 2019-01-26 (Today).
However you do not yet seem to have any Toolset Plugins active or using there, please let me know if the issue persists for you and if you require help installing the plugins.
You can also download and install the Plugins manually from https://toolset.com/account/downloads/ - no registration on the plugin's screen is required as that is for automated updates only (hence, you do not need to worry just yet about not being able to use Toolset. It works as well not registered)
Please let me know if this persists for you, then I can try to arrange a solution also consulting this with system administrators on Tuesday.
I would then probably need to have login details in order for us to analyse it directly on the site.
A good thing to try is always to remove the key from https://toolset.com/account/sites/, and register again.
Yesterday, for example, there was downtime on one of our Machines, and that resulted in a few "invalid keys" for a few minutes, it was fixed right after. Eventually, it was that?