I installed and active Toolset Types without any problem but when but when I install Toolset Views and active the plugin then show me a page HTTP ERROR 500, and if I try to reload my wordpress admin page or my web show me this message.
Only if I go to my FTP and rename this plugin "wp-views" I can access to my web or my backoffice.
How can I active this plugin?
Hi, I'll be glad to help.
- Please temporarily activate a default theme like Twenty Seventeen, and deactivate all plugins except Types.
- Try to activate Views again. If the problem returns, skip to the next step. If the problem does not return, activate your theme and plugins one by one until the problem returns.
- Activate server logs to get more information about the 500 error. If you're not familiar with server logs, I can show you how to activate them temporarily. Go in your wp-config.php file and look for define(‘WP_DEBUG’, false);. Change it to:
define('WP_DEBUG', true);
Then add these lines, just before it says 'stop editing here':
ini_set('error_reporting', E_ALL);
ini_set('error_log', dirname(__FILE__) . '/error_log.txt');
Refresh any page of the site so you can see the error message. This will create an error_log.txt file in your site's root directory. Please send me its contents. Once that is done, you can revert the changes you made to wp-config.php.
Sorry for the delay but so far I have not had time.
I have tried to install the same in another domain and it goes without any problem.
Thank you