Unfortunately no this is not possible unless some custom code is used. Such custom coding is out of the scope of our support forum and as such i would recommend that you contact one of our registered contractors for assistance with this. https://toolset.com/contractors/
Hi there Shane,
I'm not sure I understand why this is not possible...but I am finding it difficult to do.
Basically, I have imported those custom field contents into the default WordPress field for post_name
For example, my bulk content import has a column for projectnumber and there is a Types field for projectnumber.
Using a CSV importer, I have mapped the incoming column to both the WordPress field for post_name and the Types field for projectnumber.
In the permalinks, I have asked WP to give me a custom URL configuration like this:
This format is displayed as the permalink, BUT the path does not resolve...a "nothing found" error is thrown.
If I change the permalink to:
../project-%postname%/ the URL resolves properly. I cannot understand this. If you are saying that's the way WP works, then yes, I will need a contractor. But it seems very odd that I cannot fix this though the admin UI.
You are saying that you've updated the post_name attribute in the DB with values from a custom field correct? This means that the %postname% should resolve to that value.
Could you try resaving one of the posts to ensure that the correct slug is displayed on the edit post page and then save it ?